Monday, January 24, 2011


I've got a waffle iron at Christmas, and after a month I've finally tried it. It's a proper iron and gets really hot, which makes a great crispy-outside-and-soft-inside waffles.

The waffle iron is quite heavy so it's a bit awkward to use in the house, but I'm sure it would be a great fun to try all sorts of waffles when you're camping. I can't wait to go camping with my waffle iron:)

I strongly recommend to get the proper iron one instead of electric ones because it's so much fun to do it yourself!
 Solid Cast Iron Waffle Iron


Strong flour 100g
Plain flour 80g
Yeast 7g
Sugar 30g
Salt 2g
Melted butter 30g
Milk 200ml
Egg 1

1. Warm up milk to body temperature. Add melted butter and egg, and mix well.
2. In a large bowl, put flour, yeast, sugar, salt.
3. Pour 1 into 2. Mix well. Let it rest for 1 hour.
4. Spray oil on the waffle iron and let the iron get hot. 
5. Scoop the mixture in the iron, cook it until the out side it crispy.

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