Monday, October 25, 2010

Andy's midnight protein bar

Baking week is still on...? Andy has made protein bars for a midnight snack. Considering it was the first attempt, they looked quite good...

Here is the chef Andy's comment..;D
"You know what, that was pretty damn good my first attempt. It was really tasty you know!" says Andy. Look how confident he is! I should try harder not to be taken my patisserie position in the house!

I'll have them tomorrow. (No sweets before going to bed for me....)


Whey92% protein powder 2 heaped tbsp

Peanut butter 2 heaped tsp

Oats meal 3 tbsp

Dried apricot 7 (chopped)

Dried raisin 2 tbsp

Egg white 1

1. Combine whey and peanut butter together to make crumble.

2. Add oats meal, dried apricot and raisin to 1.

3. Add egg white in 2, and make a dough.

4. Push the dough out like a 1cm thick biscuit, and cut into bar shapes.

5. Bake in the pre-heated oven (220ยบ) for 8 minutes.

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