Saturday, October 30, 2010
Big Desserts!

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What I've found in NY so far...
Haven't I tried a proper American dessert yet? no..., I haven't... we've been walking around whole day, and getting distracted by the big buildings. We're gonna get food now, so I'm hoping to try a real American treat:)
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Friday, October 29, 2010
I'm in New York!!
Before we got on a plane, we got Starbucks chai tea latte and this skinny lemo poppy seeds muffin (btw, I always think they shouldn't call it "Skinny" when they covered the muffin with incing sugar, which is of course lovely for me...)
We saved the muffin till we sit down and all settled on the plane. The lemony ran through nicely my tired boy, and then I drifted into a nap....
Since I'm not in my kitchen next few weeks, I'm going to to try sweets and desserts everywhere we're going to visit:) Exciting stuff:)
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
La Trompette

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Doughnuts Parade

Flour 130g
Baking powder 10g
Sugar 50g
Salt 1 pinch
Egg yolk 1
Egg 1
Milk 75ml
Peanut butter 50g
1. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix well.
2. Add egg yolk and egg, mix well.
3. Add milk, mix well.
4. Add melted peanut butter, mix well.
5. Pour the mixture into the doughnut baking tray.
6. Bake in the preheated oven (190º) for 8 minutes.

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Monday, October 25, 2010
Jelly Belly, Ice Cream Parlor Mix

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Andy's midnight protein bar
Whey92% protein powder 2 heaped tbsp
Peanut butter 2 heaped tsp
Oats meal 3 tbsp
Dried apricot 7 (chopped)
Dried raisin 2 tbsp
Egg white 1
1. Combine whey and peanut butter together to make crumble.
2. Add oats meal, dried apricot and raisin to 1.
3. Add egg white in 2, and make a dough.
4. Push the dough out like a 1cm thick biscuit, and cut into bar shapes.
5. Bake in the pre-heated oven (220º) for 8 minutes.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Baked Alaska
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Friday, October 22, 2010
Thank you Cows..., Swiss roll

Flour 60g
Sugar 60g
Egg 3
Vanilla extract 1tsp
Cocoa powder 1tsp
Black food colouring
Fresh double cream 150ml
Sugar 2tbsp
Vanilla yogurt 1tbsp
1. Sift flour twice. Pre-heat the oven to 200º.
2. Prepare boiled water in a large bowl (let's call it "Bowl A").
3. Prepare a little smaller bowl (let's call it "Bowl B") than the bowl A, and combine eggs and sugar in it. Place the bowl B on top of the bowl A so that the bowl B is warmed up from outside.
4. Mix the egg mixture with a hand mixer well until it becomes fluffy and almost like a meringue.
5. Take out the bowl B from the bowl A, quickly add the flour, and mix with the hand mixer until the flour is mixed in thoroughly.
6. Take a table spoonful of the mixture in a small bowl. Add cocoa powder and food colouring in and mix.
7. Place two pieces of baking sheets on a baking tray. Drop the black-coloured mixture on the tray randomly, and spread so that it looks like a black patches of a cow.
8. Pour 5 into the tray.
9. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes.
10. When the cake is done, take it out on a cake cooler rack. Place one of the two baking sheets on the top, and turn it up side down. Peel off the other baking sheet slowly to prevent damaging the surface. Place the same baking sheet back on, and cover the cake with slightly wet tea towel. Let it cool.
11. Prepare the cream. Combine cream and sugar in a bowl, and mix until it is stiff. Fold yogurt it.
12. Spread the cream on the cake. Roll it carefully. Wrap the cake with a cling film. Let it cool in the fridge.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010
Spanish yogurt cake
Flour 180g
Baking powder 15g
Sugar 100g
Yogurt 125g
Butter 125g
Egg 3
Lemon juice 2tsp
Icing sugar
1. Sift flour and baking powder together. Melt the butter in a microwave. Pre-heat the oven to 180º. Grease a ring cake tin.
2. In a large bowl mix eggs and sugar together with a hand mixer until it is fluffy.
3. Add melted butter, yogurt, and lemon juice into 2. Mix them thoroughly.
4. Add flour mixture into 3. Mix them thoroughly.
5. Pour the mixture in the ring cake tin. Bake in the pre-heated oven (180º) for 45 minutes.
6. When the cake is cooled down. Sprinkle icing sugar.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Cinnamon Roll
Strong flour 200g
Salt 1tsp
Sugar 15g
Dry yeast 7g
Egg 30g
Milk 90ml
Water 20ml
Butter 30g
Maple syrup 1tbsp
Cinnamon powder 1tsp
Brow sugar 25g
Peanut butter 2tbsp
Butter 1tbsp
Egg 20g
Water 10ml
Icing sugar 50g
Lemon juice 2tsp
1. Mix strong flour and salt together in a large bowl. Warm up milk and water to the body warmth, and mix with yeast.
2. Add 30g of egg into the flour mixture, followed by the yeast mixture.
3. Knead the mixture until it becomes a soft dough.
4. Place 3 onto a floured surface, and knead well.
5. Knead in the butter and maple syrup. Continue kneading until the dough is smooth.
6. Put 5 back in the bowl and rest it in a warm place for 30 minutes to 1 hour to prove.
7. Punch the dough, reshape and rest it another 15 minutes.
8. Meanwhile make the fillings. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon powder together.
9. Mix peanut butter and butter together and microwave them to melt.
10. Roll out the dough into 1cm thick.
11. Spread the butter mixture on the dough, and then sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture on top.
12. Roll the dough towards you.
13. Cut 12 into 6 pieces and place on a baking tray. Rest it for 45 minutes to prove.
14. Pre-heat the oven to 190º. Mix 20g of egg and 10ml of water together. When the dough is proved, brush it with the Egg mixture.
15. Bake in the pre-heated oven (190º) for 30 minutes.
16. Cool the cinnamon roll. Mix icing sugar and lemon juice and pour on the cinnamon roll.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Plain flour 45g
Cocoa powder 45g
Baking powder 1tsp
3 Egg
Sugar 90g
Butter 15g
Dark Chocolate 100g
Double cream 80g
Apricot jam 2tbsp
Water or Liquor of your choice 1tbsp
1. Sift Flour, Cocoa powder and Baking powder together. Melt the Butter in the microwave. Pre-heat the oven to 180º.
2. Beat the Egg and Sugar together until it becomes white-ish and foamy.
3. Add 1 into 2, and fold in gently.
4. Sprinkle the melted Butter into 3, and mix.
5. Pour the mixture in a cake tin.
6. Bake in the pre-heated oven (180º) for 30 minutes.
7. When the cake is baked, cool it down on a cake cooler.
8. Make the chocolate garnish. In a little pot, heat the Cream up (DO NOT boil it). Turn the heat off and add the chopped chocolate. Mix well, until the chocolate is fully melted.
9. In a small bowl, mix Apricot jam and Water/Liquor, and microwave it to warm it up.
10. Slice the cake in the middle. Spread the apricot jam mixture and chocolate garnish.
11. Put the top back on and pour the chocolate garnish, and cover the cake thoroughly.
12. Cool the cake in the fridge.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Ginger cake
Flour 160g
Brown sugar 140g
2 Egg
Butter 125g
Baking powder 1tsp
Ginger powder 2tsp
Cinnamon powder 1tsp
Vanilla extract 1tsp
Ginger wine 1tbsp
Fresh root ginger (grated) 1tsp
Crystallised ginger (chopped) 1tbsp
1. Sift Flour, baking powder, ginger powder and cinnamon powder. Pre-heat the oven to 180º.
2. Cream butter and sugar together.
3. Add eggs into 2 one at time.
4. Add grated root ginger, chopped crystallised ginger, and ginger wine into 3. Fold them in.
5. Pour the mixture into a cake tin.
6. Bake in the pre-heated oven (180º) for 45 minutes.
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Sunday, October 17, 2010
Barfi fudge
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
Turkish Delight

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wobbly Jelly
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Lemon & Poppy seed cake
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
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Friday, October 8, 2010
Fruit pie gift
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pasta de nata
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Disaster macaroons...
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Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wahaca's Mango sorbet
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