Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bagels & Rolls for sleep over

Last weekend we had a sleep over with the Greenway at our house. We decided that each one of us would arrange their own food so that everyone got what they wanted for dinner. So..., Boys had Chinese..., Greenway girls had pizza and I...bagels...(yes, it was dinner, not brekki...)

I baked some bagels and also some rolls for the following morning breakfast... (...? however...., there were only a couple of rolls left in the morning... hum, I must have kept eating them in the night...)

Since it was "Fish Friday", I did smoke salmon and cream cheese bagels. I love it, I love it, I love it... As far as I remember I eat at least three of them, maybe four... it was that good. ... salmon and cream cheese... I can't get enough of it...

By the way, the photo of smoke salmon bagel was taken by Brian. Look! how much better his picture is than mine, and he used our camera too! That's the difference between a "Pro" and a "Monkey"... Thanks, Brian. :D

The weekend was great fun. Thank you, Brian, Mahalia, and Skyla. ;)

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