Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April fool's day dinner

It's been more than a month since April fool's day and I know it's a bit late to talk about it but I did make April fool's dinner (in fact I made it and we enjoyed it the day before) just like I did last year (Seen my fish?), but it was kind of put aside in my head BECAUSE I went into labor on that very day! Anyway, before I forget..., here it is, this year's April fool's day dinner, "Premium steak platter" with beer. And of course, all the things are sweet!

So this is what we had...

Well-done steak - Dark brown sugar cake cut into a steak-like shape and coated with treacle sauce.

Creamy mashed potato with black pepper and gravy sauce - Cream cheese with poppy seed. caramel sauce for the gravy.

Sausages and fried prawns with tomato sauce and tartar sauce - Dark brown sugar cake shaped into sausage and prawn. Fried prawns are coated with icing and walnuts. Pink icing for the tail of the prawn. Raspberry jam for the tomato and cream cheese for the tartar sauce.

Runny fried egg and veges - Milk jelly with apricot jam on top. Coloured marzipan for the veges.
Ice cold beer.
- Apple jelly topped with frothy milk.

To be honest, I felt slightly sick from all the sugary stuff. But, well, I was very pleased with how realistic it looked:)
Can't wait to try more of fake savory dinners!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That looks really realistic! I thought they look like a real steak!
